• Europe,  Travel

    A Trip Around Ireland

    I think I’ve mentioned before that when we travel we like to see EVERYTHING, or at least as much as possible in the time we have there. It’s never a trip for the faint of heart. To celebrate my dad’s 50th birthday we decided to take on Ireland along with my mom, dad, and sister. I was tasked with making an itinerary that had us visit the Cliffs of Moher, the Dingle Peninsula, Dublin, and Belfast. Somehow we managed to see everything on our list! Here is an overview of our 10 day trip or skip to the bottom for a shorter daily itinerary. Flights: We opted to fly into Dublin…

  • Europe,  Travel

    Top 5 Things to do in Venice

    Wandering through the streets of Venice there is no question that it is somewhere special. The narrow walkways winding through the buildings following the canals are always bustling with people. This is a city made for getting lost (in a good way). The best things about Venice are the little places you stumble upon when you let yourself wander. These are the top 5 things you MUST make time for in Venice: Visit Burano. I know it seems silly to leave the Venice if you are only there for a short time, but Burano is worth it. Burano is a tiny colorful village where the locals are known for making…